Just smile and wave boys, smile and wave!
The Fall Guy
JoinedPosts by The Fall Guy
To Be, or Not to Be?
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara ina pomo n a pimo.
grt witnessing going on.. pimo mulling over to be or not to be.. thought this was funny.. possibly the real face of the wtbs members.. .
A Brexit Glossary
by snugglebunny in"i" news, jan 10, 2019:.
a brexit glossary: .
people’s vote – a second referendum.
The Fall Guy
It's interesting that Parliament's politicians decided that a call for a General Election requires the support of 75% of MP's.
But to leave the EU only required 38% of the voting electorate to defeat the other 35% who voted.
More than 26% didn't vote, resulting in Brexiteers winning by a majority of 1,269,501. (3.78% of all who voted)
by Hendrixgrip inhi, this is my long overdue introduction.
i’ve been visiting this site since probably around 2011. in that time, i’ve taken a lot from these discussions and never contributed anything.
i’m not sure that i have much to contribute these days because i just don’t pay too much attention to wt land.
The Fall Guy
A very big welcome to you and yours, Hendrix.
As a former elder I'm sure you'll have a lot of knowledge and experiences to share which will help lurkers and faders alike. I was fortunate - I woke up when I was an unimportant Ministerial Servant. So glad I never "progressed."
My highlights from GB member Jackson's ARC testimony
by The Fall Guy inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erwv8yntfto.
nice to review how one of the "faithful snakes" slithered when he was captive to being questioned.. at 40 seconds, he is asked to swear an oath - and he swears on the bible.
obviously jesus' words slipped his mind: matthew 5:34-37 - "however, i say to you: do not swear at all, neither by heaven.....nor by earth,.... just let your word ‘yes’ mean yes, your ‘no,’ no, for what goes beyond these is from the wicked one.
The Fall Guy
Yes. He waffles on about whether someone is still a JW, although inactive, and that they'd be disciplined if they wanted to return to the congregation.
And of course he lies through his teeth about faders not being shunned.
My highlights from GB member Jackson's ARC testimony
by The Fall Guy inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erwv8yntfto.
nice to review how one of the "faithful snakes" slithered when he was captive to being questioned.. at 40 seconds, he is asked to swear an oath - and he swears on the bible.
obviously jesus' words slipped his mind: matthew 5:34-37 - "however, i say to you: do not swear at all, neither by heaven.....nor by earth,.... just let your word ‘yes’ mean yes, your ‘no,’ no, for what goes beyond these is from the wicked one.
The Fall Guy
There was a JW sister in Glasgow a number of years ago who was jailed for refusing to swear an oath on the Bible. Her fine was then paid by an anonymous person* and she was released.
*generally believed to have been one of the Greenlees family.
My highlights from GB member Jackson's ARC testimony
by The Fall Guy inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erwv8yntfto.
nice to review how one of the "faithful snakes" slithered when he was captive to being questioned.. at 40 seconds, he is asked to swear an oath - and he swears on the bible.
obviously jesus' words slipped his mind: matthew 5:34-37 - "however, i say to you: do not swear at all, neither by heaven.....nor by earth,.... just let your word ‘yes’ mean yes, your ‘no,’ no, for what goes beyond these is from the wicked one.
The Fall Guy
Nice to review how one of the "faithful snakes" slithered when he was captive to being questioned.
At 40 seconds, he is asked to swear an oath - and he swears on the Bible. Obviously Jesus' words slipped his mind: Matthew 5:34-37 - "However, I say to you: Do not swear at all, neither by heaven.....nor by earth,.... Just let your word ‘Yes’ mean yes, your ‘No,’ no, for what goes beyond these is from the wicked one."
At 9 minutes 50 seconds, he reveals a new light - that he and the rest of the governing body are G.O.D.'s = Guardians Of Doctrine.
At 11 minutes 36 seconds, he says that the GB will allow "someone" to inform the GB regarding a need to change doctrine or policy.
At 15 minutes 34 seconds, Jackson's forked-tongue really shows. In an effort to compare the alleged 1st century governing body with him and his pals in Warwick, he reads Acts 6:3,4 - "So, brothers, select for yourselves seven reputable men from among you, full of spirit and wisdom, that we may appoint them over this necessary matter; but we will devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word.”
He then misquotes the verse by saying, "So verse 4 describes the role of the [present-day] governing body as we see it, to devote ourselves to prayer and the word of God..."
The scripture says the apostles were devoted to the ministry of the word - not the word of God. Mr. Jackass couldn't possibly commit the GB to doing as much field ministry as publishers and pioneers are expected to do, could he?
At 20 minutes 34 seconds he is asked, "Do you [the GB] see yourselves as Jehovah God's spokespeople on earth?" He replies, "Ah, that I think would seem to be quite presumptuous, to say that we [the GB] are the only spokesperson that God is using.
At 25 minutes 20 seconds he says that the GB, Branch Committees, and JW have a primary allegiance to Jehovah God, and that a Branch Committee can tell the GB if "something doesn't work" or is "not appropriate" so that it can be "adjusted accordingly." In other words Jacko, JW's have the right to reject anything the GB says which is not scripturally provable.
At 27 minutes 40 seconds he says a "central group" [GB] has to decide on the interpretation of scriptures.
After 49 minutes the judge asked him these 4 questions - "Does your church accept corporal punishment of children? Do you accept corporal punishment? Do you accept corporal punishment? Do prohibit it?"
Jackson tried his damndest not to answer 'Yes' or 'No' but the judge had him on the ropes. Jacko's squirming was visible.
At 1 hour 45 minutes & 26 seconds: At various times during his examination, sanctimonious Jackson quoted scriptures in an attempt to justify the JW mentality. Each time he did so, he patronizingly told Mr. Stewart, "It's on page...........," despite the fact that Mr. Stewart apparently had no trouble finding most of the Bible books.
Mr. Stewart then rubs Jacko's nose in it when he tells Jackson that he wants him to look at Deuteronomy 22:23-27 in his Bible - and then says to Jackson, "It's on page 304." Priceless!!!
New witness a bit lost
by purelove20 innot sure it's ok to post here about that.
im sorry if i'm wrong but i'm just trying to find my way and meet people that could help me become a good witness.
i recently discovered my faith as a witness.
The Fall Guy
PURELOVE20 - You have been exposed to the "love" of JW's and that is why you want to join them.
I have sent you a Private Message. See the little green envelope at the top of the page.
Simon's Forum Is More Than Just a Forum!
by Atlantis infriends:.
simon's forum is much more than just a forum where we come to expose the watchtower.
it is a place that simon wanted people to be able to come to, to receive help, support, or find a compassionate listener.. this forum has exposed the watchtower more times than any forum on the net.
The Fall Guy
Amen, Atlantis.
May mutual respect and human empathy for fellow members be shown even more so in 2019 - and let lurkers and PIMO's see that there are genuine and sincere people here.
Any drivers here recognise THIS scenario?
by The Fall Guy ina bbc news report about a "hit & run" victim.
the "victim's" comments are laughable:.
The Fall Guy
A BBC News report about a "hit & run" victim. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-northamptonshire-46762571
The "victim's" comments are laughable:
"I know I'm partly to blame, (only partly?) and also you never know what idiots are going to be driving around."
(as a driver, I know what idiots are walking around! A woman chatting on her 'phone stepped off the pavement/side-walk and almost pushed her baby's pram into my car )
"The driver who fled the scene "needs to have a bit of a wake-up call".
(yes dear, they need to be even more vigilant for oblivious idiots like you!)
"A police spokeswoman said: "It is believed the woman was knocked unconscious after being in
collisionwalking into with a vehicle that failed to stop." -
Hidden history of the Watchtower religion
by TerryWalstrom inthe deeper you dig--the less impressive jw’s become!___________________you may think you know the men who are vitally important to the birth of the religion--but chances are good you’ve been kept in the dark.. _____________.
did you know?the 1st case heard by the supreme court of the united states concerning the watchtower society involved a director (an officer) of the watchtower, william franklyn hudgings.. a brief description of hudgings and his character.hudgings was an attorney, quack doctor, self-identified ‘scientist’, a pro-zionist, and religious enthusiast who over the years held various director and officer positions in the watchtower society, and the affiliated people's pulpit association and international bible students association.
at the time of this particular case, william hudgings acknowledged being the corporate secretary of the people's pulpit association and acknowledged that his daily duties included the administrative charge of printing of the watchtower magazine, the bible student's monthly, the kingdom news, and other watchtower publications.. (hudgings was also re-elected to the watchtower society board of directors in january 1919.
The Fall Guy
Excellent information Terry.
A book in one of your links is entitled, "New Light From the Great Pyramid," published in 1893. "https://issuu.com/grupodeestudosfernandodeogum/docs/new_light_from_the_great_pyramid
I wonder if old Charlatan Taze Russell read this book and based some of his beliefs on what he found.